Written in Blood takes the reader on an excursion to the darkside. There are seven stops along the way; each one stranger than the last.
"Red on Red" is the story of a young man named Tommy. He is head over heels, but in over his head. Tommy doesn't want to die, but fear and adrenalin are an addictive mix and he has been hooked.
In the next story a waitress has three difficult customers to contend with, who are more concerned with "Animal Rights" than with manners or the rights of a fellow human being who only wants to go home and rest her aching feet.
The other five stories present the reader with a man who finds himself on a train ride to terror, a mad scientist who is willing to kill to prove a point, an abused child, a den of vampires, and an individual who is very confused indeed.
Written in Blood is a strange excursion, with some dubious travelling companions; tickets are available for download now.
"The Deadline," which is one of the best short horror stories I've read in a long time. Very well-written and executed." Haiku & Horror
"Animal Rights" by Steve Calvert is a catharsis story. If Calvert hasn't had an encounter with the nutjobs herein, then he knows someone who has, because it rings true. The climax is a classic twist-ending, and it works, thanks to Calvert's skill in creating effective monster fodder." Josh Reynolds